Dizziness: when it is urgent to see a doctor

06 April 2021, 08:52 | Health 
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Dizziness: when it is urgent to see a doctor Do not ignore this condition: it can be dangerous to life and health.

Occurs during exercise. Dizziness during strenuous exercise is often caused by temporary dehydration or hyperventilation.. However, if a feeling of disorientation in space occurs even when performing the simplest exercises, while you are drinking enough fluids, be sure to consult a cardiologist.. This could be a sign of malfunctioning of the cardiovascular system..

Weakness, numbness, vision problems. If you suddenly start to feel very dizzy, while these symptoms appear, go to the hospital urgently - you may have had a stroke. If medical assistance is not provided within 3-6 hours, the consequences can be unpredictable..

Appeared after hitting his head. When the head is spinning after a strong blow to the head, in addition, the symptom is accompanied by vomiting and the feeling that you are about to lose consciousness, most likely, we are talking about a concussion. In this case, it is also important to consult a doctor as soon as possible, otherwise edema of the tissues of the organ may develop, which is fraught with death..

Occurs when you get up. If your head is spinning every time you take an upright position, this could be a sign of severe dehydration.. But if you are sure that you are observing a normal drinking regime, and dizziness does not go away, examine the heart - perhaps you have impaired organ functions.

Dizziness often torments, does not go away for a long time. If the feeling of disorientation lasts a few minutes or appears very often - check the middle ear. Some pathologies of this organ can provoke dangerous disorders of the brain and nervous system - up to and including death..

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