The doctor named the number of patients at which triage will have to be introduced

06 April 2021, 01:29 | Incidents 
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If within a week the daily incidence of COVD-19 reaches 25 thousand, doctors will be forced to carry out triage while providing assistance.. Bogomolets Sergey Dubrov.

" If during this week we receive 25 thousand (patients per day - ed.. ) throughout the week - it will be a disaster for the medical system. And even if by some miracle we find beds, find - theoretically - oxygen, we will not find qualified workers who will provide this assistance, since they are all involved in providing assistance to those patients who now need it, "

He said that there are no more places in the intensive care units of some medical institutions..

" Yes, general practitioners, infectious disease doctors have already learned how to conduct CPAP (Constant Positive Airway Pressure, CPAP - non-invasive artificial ventilation of the lungs - ed.. ) - what was previously carried out exclusively in intensive care units. But they carry out respiratory support for the use of CPAP therapy devices and in therapeutic departments. And here the question is critical - we need to reduce the number of new cases as quickly as possible, "

In Ukraine, over the past day, 10,179 new cases of COVID-19 were recorded, 254 people died, 4,946 recovered. Over the entire time of the pandemic in Ukraine COVID-19, 1,755,888 people fell ill, 1,352,139 people recovered, 34,587 deaths were registered.

According to the Ministry of Health, the hospitalization rate exceeds a certain rate of 60 per 100 thousand of the population in 21 regions and Kiev.. It is the highest in the Khmelnytsky region - 131.2 per 100 thousand of the population, in Vinnitsa - 106.4, in Zhytomyr - 116.2, in Nikolaev - 111.8, in Chernigov - 108.1, in Kiev - 117.4.

The highest rate of occupancy of beds with oxygen is in Kiev (82.5%), Zhytomyr region (74%), Kiev (74.6%), Lviv (72.5%), Nikolaev (73.5%), Odessa (.
