Ronaldo: There are difficult times when we feel that the whole nation is suffering

28 March 2021, 09:25 | Football 
Криштиану Роналду в матче против Сербии, Getty Images

Portugal captain speaks to the public for the first time after scandalous game against Serbia.

The fight in the second round of the qualifying round for the 2022 World Cup between Serbia and Portugal had an excellent scenario with the home team playing two goals conceded at the start, but the scandal that formed out of the blue with the participation of Cristiano Ronaldo in the end spoiled the impression of a tense duel (2: 2.

Serbia - Portugal 2: 2 Video goals and review of the match The captain of the Portuguese national team did not communicate with the press in the post-match interview, but a few hours after the game he published an appeal to the fans of his national team via the social network Instagram.

View this post on Instagram Post by Cristiano Ronaldo (@cristiano) " I have always given and will give everything for my country, and this principle will never change.. But times can be tough, especially when we feel like an entire nation is suffering.. I call, raise your head and take on the next challenge! Forward, Portugal! "

In the next round, the Portuguese national team will play on a visit against Luxembourg.

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