What diseases lie in wait for a person in spring

04 March 2021, 18:17 | Health 
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Doctors said that they conducted tests that proved that there is a connection not only between mental illness and the season, but also between physical illness and the season..

As the MedicForum website found out, doctors proved that in the spring, in addition to mental disorders, people develop dermatological and hormonal problems.. It was previously thought that this time of year complications are observed in people with mental illness.. Now it turned out that spring is not the best time for the physical condition of the body.. At this time of the year, health suffers greatly and a person may experience various ailments due to a weakened body, but they can also be prone to dangerous disorders.

Most often, according to doctors, problems at this time of the year relate to allergies and gastrointestinal diseases.. In addition, it is noted that mental problems can also be the result of physical disorders in the body during this period.. So, for example, depression, along with a loss of strength and pessimism, arise due to the failure of biological rhythms, trying to get used to the new regime..

In addition, there may be problems with the skin, spring negatively affects the work of the sebaceous glands, activating the activity of microorganisms. Also, spring affects the work of hormones that affect the work of the thyroid and pancreas, so that diseases of various organs may occur during failures..

lady. siteua. org.

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