Serial dealers embezzled UAH 11 million during the construction of barracks in Donbass

26 February 2021, 05:18 | Incidents 
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Police officers exposed a group of people for embezzlement of almost 11 million hryvnia during the construction of barracks in Mariupol. The founder of a private enterprise and two directors of the partnership were informed of the suspicion. They could face up to 12 years in prison.

This is reported by "

According to the investigation, three entrepreneurs, under a work contract, were building barracks with an improved layout in the city of Mariupol.. To embezzle funds, they developed a criminal " On the basis of these documents, budget funds were transferred to the accounts of commercial structures for works that were not actually completed.. As a result, damage was inflicted in the amount of over UAH 11,400,000.

“On the basis of the evidence obtained during the investigative and operational activities, law enforcement officers reported the suspicion to the founder of a private enterprise and directors of two partnerships. The actions of the suspects are qualified for h. 5 st. 191 (misappropriation, embezzlement or seizure of property by abuse of official position) and h. 3 st. 28 h. 2 st. 366 (official forgery) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine "

Law enforcers note that this is not the first case of embezzlement of funds during the construction of barracks.. At the end of December last year, in another criminal proceeding, these persons were reported on suspicion of embezzlement of more than three million hryvnias during the construction of barracks in the city of Bakhmut.. In addition, on January 5, 2020, the ex-head of one of the territorial directorates of the Ministry of Defense was also reported about the suspicion..
