Study: how many minutes of exercise make up for a day without movement

30 November 2020, 04:53 | Health 
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An international team of researchers has found that 30-40 minutes of vigorous to moderate physical activity per day can counteract the negative effects of 10 hours of sitting still.

Reported by Sciencealert.

The new work builds on an analysis of nine previous studies - a total of 44,370 participants. They all wore fitness bracelets. It turned out that the less time a person spends on physical activity, the higher the likelihood of his premature death.. And those who spend at least 30-40 minutes a day on exercise live as much as people leading an active lifestyle.

Scientists note that it is not at all necessary to do sports at this time.. Gardening, cleaning, bicycling, or brisk walking can all reduce the risk of early death..
