Scientists have figured out how to use mussels in maxillofacial surgery

21 March 2020, 08:35 | Health 
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The substance released by mollusks helps in the regeneration of bone tissue.

At the University of California, Los Angeles, found how to use for the benefit of man the natural ability of mussels firmly fixed in the right place in the aquatic environment.

Bone regeneration in case of craniofacial defects is complicated precisely because of the moist environment of the oral cavity, in which solutions and drugs do not last long.

American researchers have noticed that mussels secrete a special substance, alginate, which only enhances its adhesive properties in wet conditions..

For the experiment, they added an alginate solution to the injection adhesive hydrogel used in transplantation operations to administer drugs and stem cells.

Experiments for 18 weeks were conducted on laboratory animals and showed a positive result.. The new hydrogel loaded with stem cells taken from the gum tissue and bioactive ceramics for bone growth led to the fact that after three weeks the bone around the implants in all animals completely regenerated.

Based on the studies, scientists concluded that this method can very well be used in tissue engineering to treat people who have lost hard and soft craniofacial tissues as a result of injuries, infections or tumors..

Previously, experts told how to determine cancer by the state of the meanness of the mouth. They gave recommendations on how to properly brush your teeth and explained why you should use fluoride toothpaste.

https: // www. medikforum. com /.

