Burnout Syndrome Associated With Life-threatening Disorder

20 January 2020, 21:13 | Health 
фото с NeBoley.com.ua

A new study showed that prolonged and severe stress at work or at home puts a person at a greater risk of developing atrial fibrillation. In Europe and the USA, this disturbance in heart function is the main cause of strokes.

Doctors call burnout syndrome prolonged psychological and physical exhaustion of a person in conditions of severe pressure at work and at home. In recent decades, the number of victims of this syndrome has been growing exponentially, but scientists continue to study its effect on human health.. And now a new study showed that victims of this syndrome have an increased risk of developing a deadly abnormality in the heart - atrial fibrillation. It is accompanied by disturbances in the functioning of the heart and is the most common heart rhythm disorder in the world, which affects 33 million people on our planet..

Atrial fibrillation can cause clots and blood clots in blood vessels, which lead to strokes and heart failure.. In the United States alone, 130,000 people die each year and 750,000 hospitalizations are recorded each year.. Also in the USA and Europe, atrial fibrillation is the main cause of strokes, overtaking even hypertension in this rating. A new study linked the development of atrial fibrillation with chronic stress and the classic effects of burnout. Its details are reported by CNN..

" - We know several key risk factors for arrhythmias that are very important, including obesity, hypertension, and smoking.. But this does not fully explain why atrial fibrillation occurs.. That’s why we have established a connection between burnout and arrhythmia, which was previously not reported in science. "

https: // www. medikforum. com /.


Источник: NeBoley.com.ua