Suprun told if detox is needed after the holidays

20 January 2020, 11:16 | Health 
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How to cleanse your body.

After the holidays, people want lightness, weight loss and purification. But private clinics, motels and “insta-bloggers” offer various cleaning and detoxification programs, but are these services worth the time, savings and efforts.

Ulyana Suprun spoke about the effects of detoxification on her Facebook page.

In fact, there is no exact definition of what toxins are. Detoxifying people themselves are called anything by this term: bacteria, viruses, allergens, and pseudo-allergens..

This is only a successful marketing move, so it has nothing to do with medicine. In the human body there are a number of enzymes, liver, kidneys, lungs and intestines, which neutralize and excrete various compounds that are in the body for various reasons.

The best thing you can do in this case is to protect your body and not do New Year's “intoxication”. Stop eating on time, give preference to vegetables and fruits, drink enough water, wash your hands, do not smoke, do not eat at night, do not allow heaviness in the stomach, do not lean on alcohol and finally leave mayonnaise salads in the 1980s.

Berries, freshly squeezed juice of beets, ginger, apples and carrots, ground flax, onions, garlic and spices do activate our own detoxification systems, but they are not an antidote.

What can be done?

Alcohol and acetic aldehyde are truly toxic. And note that the more you drink it, the worse it gets.. Therefore, you just need not to drink alcohol, or do just one glass, and then drink only water.

Remember that activated charcoal does not prevent alcohol poisoning. Suprun has denied the popular myth of treating a hangover, cyanide or heavy metals, and does not promote digestion.. In case of poisoning with other compounds, it should be taken within an hour.. Adults need about 50 grams, children - 0.5-1 g per kilogram of weight. Therefore, it’s easier not to overeat or get drunk..

Smoking pollutes our lungs - macrophage cells absorb fine particles, which either die in place or secrete pro-inflammatory molecules and drag that dirt to the lymph nodes. Therefore, do not smoke, get a humidifier and a respirator in case there is again a high level of smog in the air.

Atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels cannot be simply taken and cleaned. In order to maintain or at least somehow improve the state of blood vessels, you need to radically change your lifestyle. If this does not help, the doctor prescribes an operation or prescribes sateen, which must be taken all his life..

If there is a " This is not a normal phenomenon that will not disappear in three days in a sanatorium. However, you can establish nutrition, sleep and exercise - this helps.

Limit the consumption of red meat and sausages, give preference to vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts, cereals and legumes - this is the main guarantee of a healthy intestine and "

Chronic stress leads to sleep disturbances, cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, premature aging of the skin and death of neurons. And you don’t need to take a bunch of tests, just sleep enough hours a day, analyze your life (you can also with a psychotherapist) and make a plan that it’s worth changing.

Chronic kidney disease causes the accumulation of so-called uremic toxins in the blood, which must leave the body with urine. This is a whole group of compounds of different molecular weight and solubility, and water with lemon, millet or juices will not help here.. If you have chronic kidney disease, see a doctor regularly, get tested and be treated according to the diagnosis..

Introverts are characterized by fatigue and exhaustion after intense communication. Know your needs for the amount of social contacts and be able to retire in time to avoid a “social hangover”. You should not scoff at yourself if “parties” and chatter are not yours.

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