Scientists: coffee, chocolate and cola protect against skin cancer

14 January 2020, 07:21 | Health 
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A study published in the journal Cancer Research shocked proponents of a healthy lifestyle with its results. It turned out that products containing caffeine can reduce the risk of developing a malignant disease in humans - basal cell carcinoma.

Dr. Jali Khan, an associate professor at Harvard Medical School in Boston, says he wouldn’t recommend increasing coffee consumption based only on these studies.. However, the results made it possible to put basal cell carcinoma on a par with those diseases whose risk of getting sick is reduced due to caffeine. Also included in the list of these diseases are Parkinson's disease and type 2 diabetes..

Basal cell carcinoma is the most commonly diagnosed form of cancer in American patients.. Although this tumor grows slowly, it poses a huge burden on the public health system..

Khan claims that given the increase in new cases of this insidious disease, changes in the diet for every day would not only give a local protective effect, but would also affect the increase in the level of health of the population as a whole.

Together with his colleagues, the researcher analyzed information from the largest databases on male and female health.. Of the nearly one hundred and thirteen thousand participants, approximately twenty-three thousand of them developed basal cell carcinoma over the course of more than twenty years of medical observation.. The exact opposite picture could be observed among those who drank a lot of coffee or consumed other caffeinated foods. At the same time, frequent use of coffee that does not contain caffeine did not affect the health of the participants observed.. This allowed researchers to conclude that this particular ingredient is a protection against the appearance of the mentioned type of carcinoma..

Scientists also recall the study that was previously conducted on laboratory mice and showed that caffeine really has the ability to block the growth of tumor formations.. However, in order to argue about this effect of a coffee drink, it is necessary to conduct additional studies with the participation of people.



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