Postmenatal recovery

12 January 2020, 01:01 | Health 
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This question begins to excite absolutely all women after childbirth.. When and through how much the cycle will recover, why it depends on whether it is associated with lactation?

You must immediately say, do not confuse with menstruation, the discharge that goes immediately after childbirth until 6-8 weeks is lochia, which do not depend on what feeding the baby is.. After birth, when the placenta is separated from the uterine wall, an extensive wound surface is formed, which bleeds.

In the postpartum period, the “mother hormone” prolactin is produced in the body of a young mother, it is he who stimulates the production of milk, while at the same time inhibiting the formation of hormones in the ovaries, which prevents the maturation of the egg and ovulation.

If the mother breast-feeds the baby on demand, then before the introduction of complementary foods, you can not think about menstruation, in this case, the first menstruation occurs, somewhere by the year of the baby. If the baby is on mixed feeding, menstruation occurs earlier, and if the mother does not breastfeed, the cycle can recover 2 to 3 months after the birth.

So it turns out, the restoration of the menstrual cycle is a hormonal process, which is directly related to the restoration of the hormonal background of a young mother after childbirth. And it depends primarily on breastfeeding.

In order for the cycle to be established, it usually takes 3-4 months, many women notice that after giving birth the menstruation becomes less painful and the cycle more stable.

Usually, painful menstruation before delivery is due to the bending of the uterus (it makes it difficult to drain the blood), and after delivery, the bend disappears or becomes smaller, the position of the uterus becomes more physiological and naturally painful sensations decrease or disappear completely. A normal menstrual cycle is considered an average of 28 days, but normally it ranges from 22 to 35 days. The first day is considered the beginning of the cycle, normally the monthly lasts from three to seven days.

If, within three, four months after the first menstruation, the cycle has not been established, you should consult a doctor, this may indicate inflammatory processes, endometriosis, and unfortunately even tumor diseases. Therefore, one should not rely on "

I also want to remind you that caring for a newborn baby takes a lot of energy from a young woman, especially if she is a nursing mother. It should be remembered that the mother should rest, lack of sleep leads to increased fatigue, general weakness of the body, which can negatively affect the restoration of menstrual function.
