Boiled water is hazardous to health

09 January 2020, 22:37 | Health 
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This conclusion was made by scientists in recent studies, boiled water was harmful. This conclusion was made by scientists in recent studies. So, if you boil water more than once, then the fluorides that form in it enter our body, as the online publication for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old Pannochka reports.. net Tap water has a huge amount of impurities - from salts to minerals, and after heating, the chemical composition of the water changes.

Arsenic Arsenic is the biggest health risk, which is added to tap water to kill microorganisms in it.. Undoubtedly, he will not immediately kill a person from re-boiled water, but if you drink this water for years, then the consequences can be terrible.

Fluorine If water is boiled repeatedly, part of the fluorine compounds turns into fluorides. Scientists have proven that the presence of fluoride in water can lead to infertility in women, as well as cause a lag in the mental development of children.

Nitrates When exposed to high temperatures, nitrates in boiled water are converted to nitrosamines, and this is a direct path to cancer.

lady. siteua. org.

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