Scientists: being overweight makes people dumber

04 January 2020, 02:21 | Health 
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As scientists recently found out, weight lines negatively affect not only the general condition of a person’s figure, but also his mental abilities. So, humanity was provided with another extremely important argument, which testifies in favor of harmony. After all, as it turned out, the accumulation of subcutaneous fat in the body affects mental skills.

Therefore, those HR managers who do not want to hire full people are certainly right in something, because those who are obese have a low level of cognitive skills, not a very good imagination, and also slowed down thinking processes..

The above described regularity was identified by British and French researchers who over the course of a long ten years observed a group of people, recording changes in their weight and habits. Of the nearly six and a half thousand people, the worst cognitive skills developed in those people who were rapidly gaining weight.

Thus, subjects suffering from metabolic syndrome and obesity, when passing the test showed a level of cognitive ability, which was almost a quarter worse than all the others.

The only thing that can please the obese people in this case is that the majority of the subjects in this experiment averaged fifty years. Therefore, it is completely unknown how excess weight affects the mental activity of those people who are much younger than the specified age mark.



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