Aston Villa - Southampton 1: 3 Goal video and match highlights

22 December 2019, 11:34 | Football 
Астон Вилла – Саутгемптон, Getty Images

We present to you the review of the Premier League match.

In the 18th round match of the English Premier League, Southampton beat Aston Villa away 3-1.

Forward in the “saints” recorded striker Danny Ingz, and another goal was scored by quarterback Jack Stevens. Goal of prestige as part of Aston Villa scored midfielder Jack Grilish.

Aston Villa - Southampton 1: 3 Goals: Greenish, 75 - Ingz, 21, 51, Stevens, 31.

Aston Villa: Heaton - Gilbert, Engels, House, Targett - McGuin (Nakamba, 8), Luis, Hurijane (Koji, 56) - El-Ghazi (Trezeguet 68), Wesley, Grilish.

Southampton: MacArthy - Suaresh, Stevens, Bednarek, Bertrand - Armstrong (Romeu, 76), Ward-Prause, Hoibierg, Redmond - Long (Obafemi, 82), Ingz (Adams, 87).

Warnings: Al-Ghazi, Kojia - Ward Praise.

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