The first colds: how to protect yourself from them

06 December 2019, 07:36 | Health 
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Kindergartens and schools are again filled with voiced voices and cheerful laughter. But not only - alas, ARVI viruses too. How to protect a child from a cold? What will help children recover? Especially for parents of preschool children and schoolchildren, we have gathered useful recommendations.

Calm, only calm! Often, excessive parental care pushes them to the wrong steps, from which the child’s immunity suffers. The thermometer shows a little higher than 370C - and mothers run to the pharmacy for children's antipyretic. The tablet is given, the temperature has dropped, mommy is calm. And the next cold is already “on the horizon” - after all, children's immunity is inactive, the components of the tablet “work” for it. The immune system does not receive valuable personal experience, and the child "

Of course, there is no need to completely abandon medical care and medication. As it is not necessary and independently to " Just remember at what age the child is, and at what temperature it is necessary to call a doctor:.

Infants up to 3 months - call an ambulance if the baby’s temperature reaches 380C. In children of this age, temperature should be measured with a rectal thermometer..

Infants from 3 months to a year - call a doctor if the body temperature is 38.50 ° C. Doctors recommend oral thermometers for children 5 months and older..

Children from 2 to 18 years - call a doctor at a temperature of 38.90 ° C.

As you can see, at a temperature of 380C a preschooler or a schoolboy does not have to panic her down. Otherwise, the child’s immunity will not learn how to react correctly to ARVI viruses. And such \!

More healthy drinks! From September, you need to take care of healthy drinks in your child’s diet. Herbs, berries and fruits will come in handy both for the prevention of colds, and in the case of its treatment - especially if you intend to do without a potent " Natural antipyretic components are found in many plants and fruits - they make excellent fruit drinks, compotes and decoctions.

Cherries, strawberries, raspberries, black and red currants, oranges, prunes contain salicylic acid and can help out as a natural antipyretic.

Create a diaphoretic effect will help lime blossom, oregano, calendula, birch buds - from these plants you can prepare a febrifuge broth.

neboleem. net.

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