Tottenham ready to let Ericksen go for less than ? 40m

04 December 2019, 11:25 | Football 
Кристиан Эриксен, Getty Images

Tottenham does not hope to keep midfielder Christian Eriksen in the team and is preparing to sell it in the winter transfer window.

Ericksen has already informed the new coach Jose Mourinho that he does not plan to stay and wants to move to a new club. The management of the London club plans to sell the midfielder in January, so as not to let him go for free next summer.

According to the Evening Standard, Tottenham is ready to lower the Dane for less than ? 40 million.

This season, Eriksen spent 15 fights in the Spurs T-shirt, distinguishing himself by two goals and two assistants..

Juventus, Bavaria, Manchester United and Real Madrid are interested in signing a midfielder..

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