Playful Lidia Taran in a white pea dress delighted with a pin-up shot

15 November 2019, 20:45 | gossip 
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Presenter Lydia Taran, who recently touched with tender photos with her mother, this time shared a pin-up photo.

The television star published an effective photo in her photo blog.

The picture shows Taran posing sitting on a table in a white dress and black polka-dot shoes. Themed hairstyle and red lipstick brilliantly complemented the image of the leading.

In the hands of Lydia Taran held a letter, which squirted perfume. " I remembered that the last time I wrote to my grandmother, far in childhood, even before the digital world swallowed us all, "

Supporters of the presenter bombarded her with compliments and compared with the sex symbol of the 50s. “You look like Marilyn Monroe here,” “Wow, what a pin-up,” “The image went perfectly,” enthusiastic fans wrote..

Recall, recently Lydia Taran arranged a photo session with her daughter Vasilisa.

Источник: ТСН.ua