In Gaysin, the military unit was left without "

14 November 2019, 12:50 | Incidents 
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Vіyskova prosecutor’s office of the Vinnitsa garrison of the Central region of Ukraine dealt with the criminal prosecution of the fact that she was at the speech warehouse at the Vіiskovo part near Gaysinі. Dosudova rozslіduvannya celebrate the signs of zolochen, passed h. 3 tbsp. 425 Criminal Code of Ukraine, commissioned by DBR.

Podia became the evening of 13 leaf fall on the territory of the Vіiskovo part of the 59th okremoy motorized brigade, which is located in m. Gaysin of the Vinnitsa region. In a metal hangar of a river warehouse with a surface of 200 sq.. m vinikla pozhezha. We’ve got a lot of luck, it’s been lost in everyday life: about 1100 Kevlar sholomіv, 800 bulletproof vests, 1,500 bedroom mіshkіv, 100 polovykh outlines, ponad 1000 one polyn form, 1400 suits to save more and more. Middle sum zbitkіv - 10.5 mіlіyonіv hryvnia. Dani about the injured.

Four vehicles were received before the delivery of vehicles and 20 employees of the special warehouse of the State Service in supervising situations in the Vinnitsa region, as well as a winter car and a special warehouse of the Gaisinsky part.

The middle cause is a bit faded - a short circuit in the wiring.

The operational group of the public prosecutor’s office of the Vinnitsa Garnizon, the Territorial Office of the Sovereign Bureau of Roslouvan, located at the municipality of Khmelnitsky, and also the Vinnytsky regional law office.

At the Danish hour, try to pershochergovyh sіldchi dії, conducted a look around the house, supplemented.
