Drinking coffee while pregnant increases the risk of miscarriage, scientists warn

31 October 2019, 02:52 | Health 
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Experts recommend women who are expecting a baby to stop drinking coffee and caffeinated drinks. Caffeine found to be a common cause of abortion.

A study on this topic was conducted by American scientists from the National Institute of Health. As part of the study, a survey of 1228 women in position was conducted, as well as measurements of the caffeine content in the body.

As analysis showed, just two cups of caffeinated drinks per day increased the chances of losing a child at times.

The most dangerous in terms of abortion from exposure to caffeine, doctors identified the first 8 weeks of pregnancy.

Also, the use of coffee by the future mother during pregnancy affects the decrease in the body weight of the baby at birth, which can lead to a number of complications in the development.

It is worth knowing that caffeine helps increase blood pressure, and this can become extremely dangerous for the condition of both a pregnant woman and the fetus..

Existing standards allow the use of two cups of coffee per day without harm to the health of an adult. Pregnant women are an exception to this rule..

med-heal. ru.

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