In the eyes can accumulate deadly prions

27 November 2018, 19:00 | Health 
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A study by scientists from the University of California made it possible to conclude that dangerous, deadly proteins from the category of prions, substances that contribute to brain damage and other nervous tissues of the body, can accumulate in a person’s eyes.. The discovery of researchers writes Science Alert.

Prions are proteins with an abnormal structure.. The diseases they provoke are deadly for both humans and animals.. Scientists have found that such proteins can accumulate in the eyes. One of the ways of the deadly proteins in the eye is a corneal transplant from deceased donors with undiagnosed Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (a common prion disease), experts argue.

Another way more difficult. Mortally dangerous prion proteins, according to scientists, can penetrate into the brain when using insufficiently sterilized surgical instruments. Then from the brain along the optic nerve prion proteins enter the eyes and accumulate in their tissues..

Now researchers are developing methods that would identify the deadly proteins that lead to the development of incurable prion diseases by analyzing the tears of patients.

ladyhealth. com. ua.

