European rabbis will meet with the leadership of Israel

19 November 2018, 13:13 | Policy 
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November 19-22, Israel will host the next conference of the Council of Rabbis of Europe.

Within the framework of the conference, the rabbis will meet with the President and the Prime Minister of the State of Israel, as well as discuss current issues and elect a representative of the organization who will take up coordination activities to combat ultra-right extremism.

The next conference, in which the Standing Committee of the Council of Rabbis of Europe (CPE) takes part, this time will be held in Israel. At the conference, representatives of the organization will meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President of the State of Israel Reuven Rivlin, and will also visit the Knesset to discuss the recently adopted Law on Agunot outside Israel, initiated by the CPE.

Also within the framework of the congress, a special representative of the CPE will be appointed, authorized to coordinate the organization’s activities in the fight against extremism..

The decision on the new appointment followed the terrorist act in the synagogue in Pittsburgh. The main functions of this position will be to regulate the actions of the Council of Rabbis of Europe in relation to ultra-right extremism, including prompt response and prevention; in cooperation with political and social forces, as well as with Jewish associations; drafting a resolution on combating ultra-right extremism and preventive measures that can be used by world political and social forces.

"A person can go to the synagogue, a place of prayer and repentance, and kill innocent people in anything - it causes horror. We cannot allow hate ideology to contribute to the prosperity of terrorism.. The appointed representative will work with political and public organizations in Europe interested in taking measures to combat extremism, ”said the President of the Council of European Rabbis, commenting on the new initiative..
