Scientists have found a completely new way to lose weight

15 November 2018, 18:10 | Science 
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Scientists have brought a favorable low-carb diet on the human body and weight loss. It is reported by the scientific journal The BMJ. Most diet studies aimed at losing weight, all calories are considered equal. Products are divided into groups of calories and the essence of diets is that you need to burn more than consume. But American endocrinologist David Ludwig and his colleagues questioned this.. The specialist claims that you need to pay attention to the quality of calories consumed. So, according to the scientist, a low-carb diet in which carbohydrates are replaced by fats is more effective than reducing the number of calories.. Experts have conducted a study with adults who are obese.. Those who have eliminated carbohydrates from their diets and replaced them with fats, greatly accelerated metabolism. After 5 months of such a diet, the body burns 250 calories more per day than after a diet where there are a lot of carbohydrates and little fat. Experts have come to the conclusion that diets with the same number of calories, but different ratio of carbohydrates and fats, affect the body and the ability to lose weight differently. Scientists emphasize that we are talking about refined carbohydrates, which are contained in sugar, juices, pastry and other bakery products.. Previously, experts have found a way to quickly lose weight in a dream. The paradox of the method is that at night you need to eat a little. The Correspondent also reported that the blogger lost 140 kilograms and regretted. News from Telegram. Subscribe to our channel https: // t. me / korrespondentnet Author: 1.

Источник: Корреспондент.net