German boxer wants to get into the ring again against Vitali Klitschko

08 November 2018, 01:06 | Sports 
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German boxer Manuel Charr announced his desire to meet again with Vitali Klitschko.

According to Charr, another battle with the Ukrainian is for him a kind of dream. In addition, if this fight eventually takes place, Charr wants to hold it on his territory..

"There is another dream. After brother Vitali - my biggest example in sports, ended a professional career after a fight with me, it would be a great honor for me to fight with you. Again, Charr vs. Klitschko, and preferably - at the stadium in Cologne, "- said Charr.

Recall that the Klitschko-Charr fight took place on September 9, 2012 and ended in victory for the Ukrainian because of a strong cut of Manuel. This fight was for Klitschko the last career.

We note recently charr caught on doping.

Источник: ТСН.ua