Burda: The arbitrator judged as he can

04 November 2018, 11:53 | Football 
Бурда (крайний слева в верхнем ряду) перед матча, фото Динамо Киев

Dynamo in the 14th round of the Ukrainian Premier League in Kharkiv lost to Donetsk Shakhtar. Nikita Burda spent the whole match on the field.

- It was a good game and I’m sure that we didn’t deserve to be defeated today..

- You had a lot of clashes with Moraes. Did you have any bias towards Junior?.

- No, there was no bias. Just a sporting principle. He wanted to be first on the ball, like me.

- What is the atmosphere now in the locker room, given the offensive defeat in the last minutes?.

- We are all very upset, of course. After all, it is a shame to lose such matches. But we can only continue to work. Do your work.

- Already 8 points difference between Dynamo and Miner. It will be very difficult to play such a handicap..

- Time will tell, we will not give up. At the end of the season we will take points..

- Your second goal was canceled today..

- I did not see what happened, I was far from the episode.

- Kendzer received red in the end of the match. Did you see that episode? Were there any provocations?.

- I do not know, I only saw that the ball fell into the hand of Tomas, but there was no intentional hand game. Later, the Shakhtar player approached the referee and began to ask for a second yellow for Kenzers..

- How to evaluate arbitration? Judge factor today occurred?.

- The arbitrator judged as he can.

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Источник: football.ua