Moraish: The first six? We will continue to work

04 November 2018, 08:13 | Football 
Жозе Мораиш, ФК Карпаты

The head coach of the Carpathians, Jose Moraish, commented on the victory of his players in the match with Olimpik (2: 1) in the 14th round of the UPL.

"Olympic was above us in the standings and it was important for us to win in order to get closer to those teams that are at the top of the standings. We managed to do this by fighting a good rival, "Moraish began.

“The fight for the first six? I can say that the team will continue to work. There are quite a few teams that want to be in the top six and they have good qualities and opportunities for this.. We must continue to fight and think from game to game. Our next fight will take place on the road against Dawn, another good team. Our goal is to continue to work, to improve our game in all plans.. This applies to tactical training, as well as actions in defense and attack ".

"In tactical terms, I am pleased with the actions of the team. Karpaty controlled the game from the very beginning. We created beautiful moments, owned the ball, attacked well. The defense successfully closed the zone, acted smoothly and compactly. Today was a good day. Our goal is to keep adding: to play more defensively, to control the ball better, to act more intensively. It takes a lot of work. We have a week before the next game ".

"Fedetsky - our football player. He entered the field at the moment when it was necessary. Our players enter the field, successfully adapt and give exactly what the team needs to give ", the Carpathian press service quotes the words of the Portuguese specialist.

On football. ua available video of goals and match review Olympic - Karpaty (1: 2).

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