Santiago Solari: a temporary solution or the creator of the new Real?

30 October 2018, 19:07 | Football 
Сантьяго Солари, getty images

Alexander Puzik introduces Football readers. ua with Santiago Solari, who on the eve became a temporary coach of Real Madrid, and also reasons whether he has a chance to stay in the club for a long time.

After the humiliation at the Camp Nou, Lopetegui had no chance of remaining the head coach of Real Madrid and the very next day he was fired.. Hulen will be remembered by the fans of the Blancos as one of the worst coaches during the reign of Florentino Perez. Losing 5 of the last 7 matches with a goal difference of 4:13, 8 hours without a goal scored, 9th place in the standings. Examples. In this condition, Julen Lopetegui left Real and the first who will try to rectify the situation will be the 42-year-old Argentinean specialist Santiago Solari.

Who is Santiago Solari and does he have a chance to become a permanent trainer in Real Madrid?.

For five years, Solari defended the colors of the “royal club” from 2000 to 2005 and in total spent 148 matches for the Blancos.. With Real Solari won the Spanish Championship twice, won the Intercontinental Cup and even won the Champions League. Then in 2002, Santiago spent on the field all 90 minutes in the final match against Bayer, and his team won with a score of 2: 1. Solari acted on the left midfield position in line with Zinedine Zidane and Luis Figo.

After the completion of his career, Solari was asked to train the “Blancos” youth team.. There he spent three seasons and earned his work to take a reserve team of Real. And now, after two more years, the coach already had a chance to lead the first team of the club.. Many believe that Solari will definitely be sent back to Castilla as soon as Peres can make an agreement with Antonio Conte, but this is not the only scenario. The President of Real Madrid “doesn’t mind" in his own trainers and is ready to give them chances. It is clear that Santiago will not have much time, but it could not be otherwise. The situation needs to be corrected right now, and if in a short time Solari does not succeed, then Perez will be forced to appoint a coach named.

At the moment, Solari is in the following situation.. According to the regulations of La Liga, in the event that a coach is appointed as an acting officer during the championship, the club has exactly 15 days to find a full-fledged entrenadore possessing the appropriate license.. Solari has this license. It turns out that before November 13, Real Madrid is obliged either to deprive Santiago of the prefix "and. o "or appoint another coach. During this time, the "cream" will hold four fights - against Melilla (on the road) in the Spanish Cup, Valladolid (at home) and Celta (on the road) - in Example and Victoria (on the road) - in the Champions League. It is in these games that Solari must prove that he is able to become a full-fledged coach of Real Madrid.. The calendar is not very simple, but far from the most difficult.. However, Santiago must understand that even four wins in these games may not be enough. Florentino Perez. The result is undoubtedly the main factor, but there is confidence that the president, in the first place, will look at the quality of the game..

"I came to the team in a difficult moment. The situation is not the easiest, but we are able to change it. Real players - real warriors and winners. Am I a new Zidane? Leave Zineda already alone. I am enthusiastic and very happy. My goal? Go to Melilla and win at least two goals ", - these were the words of Solari at his first press conference, which ended just an hour ago.

Comparisons with Zidane were inevitable.. He also played in a team at the beginning of the two thousandth. Solari, like Zidane, has the confidence of Florentino Perez. The beginning of the coaching path is also similar, because Solari, exactly like Zidane, takes the team during a crisis in the middle of the season.. The only difference is that Zinedine immediately got a full-time job as a head coach (without the prefix "and. o ", - note. ), while Solari for it will have to "go out of their way". As for the coaching preferences of the Argentine, his favorite schemes are precisely those for which Real has played in recent years - 4: 3: 3 and 4: 4: 2. Also, a mentor often used the 4: 2: 3: 1 scheme in Castille..

There is one more question that hangs in the air.. Why has Peres still not come to an agreement with Conte? There are a lot of obstacles.. The first is that Conte requested a long-term contract from Peres, as well as the signing of a new striker and central defender.. Why these positions? It's simple - Antonio is already thinking about switching to his favorite model with three defenders.. It turns out that the coach clearly stands his ground in the negotiations and does not intend to make concessions.. This position is not very good in terms of forming trusting and strong relations with the club management, but this way was chosen by Conte and it’s not for us to judge him..

And the second problem. This is an unfinished coach relationship with Chelsea.. The fact is that Antonio is still under contract with the London club and this does not allow him to legitimize his relationship with Real. The condition of Chelsea is the following: the club allows the coach to float freely only if he refuses compensation in the amount of 10 million euros, which he was entitled to for dismissal. This situation has greatly complicated the negotiations between all parties..

However, right now Solari doesn't have to worry about Conte.. Ahead of the coach - one of the most important two weeks in his life and everything depends on him. Frankly speaking, it seems that Solari has few chances to get a full-fledged work in the first team, but it is precisely the absence of such pressure that can help the coach to repeat the path.. Zidane? Let's still not get ahead of ourselves, but simply wish good luck to Santiago Solari, who is forced to rake the ruins left after Julen Lopetegi.

Author: Alexander Puzik.
