Flirting with migrants killed Merkel

30 October 2018, 10:36 | Policy 
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Angela Merkel’s main mistake at the post of German Chancellor was the short-sighted policy towards refugees, which led to the migration crisis in the European Union. This opinion was expressed by the head of the Federation Council’s information policy commission Alexei Pushkov.. The senator commented on the statement made by the chairman of the German government that she would leave the post of leader of the ruling party "Christian Democratic Union" (CDU), and in 2021. will not re-run for office. According to Pushkova, this decision is due to the fact that Merkel realized: to correct the mistakes made to her, she can no longer. "The main reason is the decision to accept 1.1 million refugees in Germany. “We can do it,” she assured.. Failed. The crisis with migrants was the beginning of its decline ", - wrote a member of the Federation Council on his Twitter. He also noted that a couple of years ago, Merkel was the unconditional political leader of a united Europe, but it was the migration policy that ruined her career.. In the summer, the sociological services of the Federal Republic of Germany published survey data, according to which the rating of the Chancellor and the party led by her fell to the lowest level in the past few decades. Currently, only 27% of voters support the ruling coalition.. Obviously, Merkel has lost the confidence of the Germans. The reason for discontent was that in recent years the head of government thought more about the problems of the European Union, and not about German affairs, said political observer Oleg Vedutov. "Merkel is accused of thinking more about the European Union, and not about Germany. And in general, she feels more about herself as an all-European politician, and many people don’t like it ... By and large, her political time is gone, and she understands that. Now Germany needs more "fresh faces" and "fresh ideas," said an expert on the Fifth Channel.. Evidence of political extinction Merkel and the CDU Vedutov called the rapid growth in popularity of the parties, which until recently were on the periphery. We are talking about the "Greens" and the far-right "Alternative for Germany", which is characterized by pronounced anti-immigration rhetoric.. On the eve of Angela Merkel announced that the current term as Chancellor will be her last. In addition, she refused to be promoted to any other political posts.. The politician will act as Chancellor until the end of his term in 2021. Previously, she announced her resignation as chairman of the CDU. The news of the political changes in Germany caused the collapse of the euro. In addition, Western observers have suggested that after the departure of Merkel, the European Union will lose the remnants of stability and may collapse under pressure from the ambitions of France and the UK.
