Goodbye favorite artist

30 October 2018, 09:14 | gossip 
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October 29 last applause for the People's Artist of Russia Nikolai Karachentsov. The farewell took place in the famous Lenkom, on the stage of which the favorite artist served his whole life.. Nikolai Karachentsov was buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery alongside other wonderful artists.. “… Next to him are Kolina’s friends — Natasha Gundareva, Lyubov Polishchuk, Vladislav Galkin. He will be fine in such a company, ”said the artist’s widow Lyudmila Porgina.

Nikolai Karachentsov’s father was an artist in the Ogonyok magazine popular at that time, his mother was a ballet master even at the Bolshoi Theater. The future artist from childhood was fond of amateur performance, he felt great on stage. His biography is not interesting for the “yellow press” - after graduating from the Moscow Art Theater School, he ended up in the theater Lenkom, lived with one wife, they raised one son, who became a successful lawyer and presented them with a grandson and two granddaughters. Now it’s ridiculous to read about the existence in the 70s of an order banning the filming of actors Nikolai Karachentsov, Inna Churikova, Yevgeny Evstigneev, Rollan Bykov in the cinema. You see, the heroes of Soviet films should be distinguished not only by inner beauty, but also by external. Nikolai Karachentsov was not handsome, but was insanely talented, manly charming. He was not a vocalist, but in the role of Count Ryazanov, he went on stage for 20 years, and the rock opera “Juno and Avos” went with a full house.. Moreover, the theater Lenk with this opera toured the whole world, and at the other end of the world the New Zealand dollar was released with a portrait of Nikolai Karachentsov as Ryazanov. However, Karachentsov did not become a hostage to the role of the romantic hero, he was perfectly successful in both dramatic and comedic roles.. In his voice, Jean-Paul Belmondo speaks in dubbed films, heroes of favorite cartoons. His juicy hoarse voice was the adornment of any "Light". He was loved by everyone. His roles on stage and in cinema, the most diverse, his awards, including the most prestigious, can be listed for a long time..

And then there was an accident that divided life into “before” and “after”. In a blizzard, he and a brother-in-law rushed to Moscow from a dacha, where they rested - a mother-in-law died in the capital. Only Karachentsov was severely injured in an accident. 26 days in a coma and 14 years of struggle with the disease. The great artist could not return to the stage. And now he was gone, however, the audience continues to remember him and love. Thousands of those who knew him personally and those who saw only on the screen were saying goodbye to him. “The passing away of Nikolai Karachentsov is a big tragedy for his fans, friends, colleagues, an irreparable loss for the entire national culture. Nikolai Petrovich was a strong, strong-willed person, a truly national artist. His work in the cinema and on the Lenkom stage became the benchmark for an excellent acting game, inspired, sincere, truthful, ”said Russian Culture Minister Vladimir Medinsky.

Источник: Life-News.Ru