OOS: four shelling, no losses

27 October 2018, 20:49 | Incidents 
фото с glavnoe.ua

During the current day, the Russian occupation forces violated the cease-fire 4 times. At the same time, one case was recorded of the use of weapons prohibited by the Minsk agreements..

This is reported by the press center of the operation..

The strongholds of our troops in the Azov region, near the Water One, were fired from mortars of 82 caliber and heavy machine guns.. Twice in the area of ??this settlement the aggressor used grenade launchers.

"Units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces gave a decent response," - said in a statement.

The occupants are not left alone by the soldiers of the United forces nearby Sand and Skilled. Here the enemy conducted aimed fire from grenade launchers of large-caliber machine guns and small arms..

"During the fighting, not a single soldier from the United Forces was injured," the report says..

Источник: glavnoe.ua