In Ukraine, a little more wait

25 October 2018, 00:56 | Art 
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In the next day, October 25, the weather in Ukraine will be determined by atmospheric fronts, wet and cool air mass: in most areas of rain, at night in the west in some places with sleet, reports the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center.

Northwest wind of 7-12 m / s, in the western part gusts of 17-22 m / s. The temperature at night is 1-7 ° C, in the daytime 4-10 °, in the south to 13 °.

On the highlands of the Carpathians: sleet, blizzard, night temperatures of 0-3 ° C, daytime 2-4 ° C.

In Kiev at night, in the morning of rain. Northwest wind, 7-12 m / s. The temperature at night is 3-5 ° C, in the daytime 6-8 °.

On Friday, October 26, it is expected to rain a little in Ukraine, only in the afternoon in most western and southern regions without precipitation. The wind is predominantly western, 7-12 m / s, in western regions, gusts of 15-20 m / s in places. The temperature at night is 0-5 ° C; in the daytime 5-10 °; in the south of the country at night 2-7 ° heat, in the daytime 10-15 °.

In Kiev - light rain. West wind, 7-12 m / s. Temperature at night 2-4 ° C, in the daytime 6-8 °.
