United States creates an alternative to Syria

12 October 2018, 23:44 | Policy 
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Washington is trying to create an illegal state in the Syrian territories east of the Euphrates, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. "The United States is trying to use these lands through its Syrian allies - primarily through the Kurds - in order to create a quasi-state there," said the minister in an interview with RT France, Le Figaro and Paris Match.. Lavrov stressed that America is making a lot of efforts to create there authorities, alternative to the legitimate authorities of Syria, and also actively displaces refugees in those areas. At the same time, the minister noted that Washington is not in a hurry to provide suitable conditions for the return of refugees to territories controlled by Damascus. According to Lavrov, the US is playing a dangerous game with the idea of ??a large Kurdistan - this is precisely what explains American policy in Syria on the lands east of the Euphrates.

Источник: YTPO.ru