Channing Tatum after a divorce spun the affair with a singer very similar to the ex-wife - media

11 October 2018, 15:02 | gossip 
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Popular Hollywood actor Channing Tatum, who was divorced six months ago with his wife, Jenna Duenne-Tatum, spun a new novel.

According to the Us Weekly edition, tape star 38-year-old Super Mike tape star meets well-known 30-year-old British singer Jessie Jay. The newly minted couple have already seen several times on dates. First Tatum was caught at a Jesse concert in Seattle last week, and a few days later they were seen playing mini-golf..

"They didn't kiss, but obviously behaved like lovers. Many smiled, held hands. It’s obvious that they want to know each other better and spend as much time together as possible, "said one of the witnesses. It is unknown when the couple’s relationship began, but according to insiders, Channing and Jesse have been dating for several months..

Interestingly, according to many fans of Tatum, outwardly, Jessie is very similar to his ex-wife Jenna Duenne.. Apparently, Channing is attracted by one type of women.

Recall recently completely nude Jenna Duenne-Tatum appeared in a sensual photo shoot and told about the changes in life after a divorce.

Источник: ТСН.ua