Romantic Christina Soloviy sang about her friend's bad habit

10 October 2018, 16:55 | gossip 
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Singer Kristina Soloviy pleased fans with a premiere of fresh audio robots.

On the eve of the release of the long-awaited new album, the artist presented the third (he is the last album) single "Shkіdliva zvichka". Life-affirming romantic pop-rock with a slight nostalgia for a fleeting summer.

"My dear friend falls in love very easily. And he is beautifully upset when I tell him that it is a bad habit, "the singer herself comments on the new song.

This is the first song that Christina wrote in collaboration with her brother Yevgeny.. The singer worked on the arrangement with her new band, which she collected in the spring to record an album.

"Somewhere in the summer of 2015 in our father's Lviv apartment was very sunny. Eugene played some beautiful chords on the guitar and I immediately sang a melody. The same day wrote the text. When we created the arrangement, I wanted it to be nice to feel nostalgic about the last summer and what happened this summer, "said Christina.

The second album of Kristina Soloviy "Love Friend" is scheduled for October 26. Now it is known that the album will include two already well-known songs - "Hto, Yak Non" and Fortepiano. By the way, in the video for this track Nightingale played an extraordinary love drama with the actor who played her teacher.

On October 22, the all-Ukrainian tour of the singer starts from concerts in Zhytomyr and Chernivtsi, which will last until mid-December.

Источник: ТСН.ua