Vera Kekelia told about working with Elena Kravets and how she got into the Women's Quarter

05 October 2018, 13:52 | gossip 
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This Saturday, October 6, at 21:15, the premiere of the comic project from Studio Kvartal 95 - Women's Quarter will take place on 1 + 1 channel.

On the eve of the premiere of TSN. ua talked to one of the project actresses Vera Kekelia. Always smiling Vera told us how she got into the Women's Quarter, how she worked with Lena Kravets and other participants of the show and what confusions happened during the filming.

- Vera, will soon be the premiere of "Women's Quarter". Tell us how you got into this project..

- I was invited to casting via social networks. Frankly, at first I thought it was a joke.. Even began to check whether it is fake. When doubts were dispelled, I decided to go to the casting, which I am now very happy about..

- sense of humor in your blood?.

- I'm a positive person by nature.. I try to perceive everything with a smile, even when something does not work.. First of all, I try to make fun of myself. Life is generally better treated with humor, otherwise it will be very difficult.

- Were you acquainted with the participants earlier?.

- Before the project, I personally knew only Martha Adamchuk and Lali Ergemlidze (participants of the Voice of Ukraine). Ed). With the rest met already on the set. I saw many participants in the League of Laughter and other projects, but I was not personally acquainted.

- How is working with other girls? How to join the team?.

- We have a very friendly and cheerful team. We did not have to find an approach to each other, because we were very quickly united by a common goal - to create a really cool project.. Each of the participants is laid out in full, because the quality of the project depends on it in the end.. We feel this responsibility to the viewer and try to do everything at the highest level..

- How to work with Lena Kravets?.

- Lena works just fine.. She is very supportive and motivating.. Many of the participants, including me, appear for the first time in a humorous genre, therefore its support is very important for us.. Lena is very inspired by her confidence and faith in the success of the "Women's Quarter". We are charging her with energy and even more laid out at rehearsals..

- What were the embarrassment during the filming?.

- When we performed with our first song, we were very worried if people would laugh in the hall.. We rehearsed this number for so long that it didn't seem funny to us.. And here we finish the last lines. Everyone held their breath while waiting. According to the scenario, we should have had dramatic faces. Immediately there was a loud laugh in the hall. We could not resist and also began to laugh to tears. It’s good that I and other girls stood on the stage in such positions that the viewers could not see our faces. But Martha Adamchuk was completely open to the hall.. She barely kept from laughing.

- There is a thesis that humor is not female. What do you think about this?.

- Absolutely disagree. Women have something to joke about, and they can do it very wittily, and sometimes more subtly than men. In addition, there must be an alternative to male humor in our country.. In the "Women's Quarter" we will joke about our problems, relationships, various states of a woman. Perhaps it is through humor that men can better understand us..

Источник: ТСН.ua