Dmitry Komarov showed the shocking effects of the ancient ritual of the Indians of Amazonia

05 October 2018, 00:51 | gossip 
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Very soon, the long-awaited premiere of the new season of the World Inside Out extreme travel show with Dmitry Komarov will start on the TV channel "1 + 1". This time the team went on an expedition to Brazil, a country of contrasts, in which two different worlds were closely connected: the primitive life of wild tribes and civilization.

In the first part of the season, viewers, along with Dmitry Komarov, will discover the wild, impassable jungles of the Amazonia and get acquainted with the oldest tribes that are completely isolated from civilization. Their rituals are still a mystery to modern man, and the effect of them is shocking and brings to another reality.. One of these rituals, according to the best traditions of "The World Inside Out," the TV host experienced.

"Indians of Amazonia live in another world. We can't even imagine that in a movie.. It looks like another planet, something unknown and completely alien. The most important feature of these tribes is that many of them are truly isolated from modern life.. This is controlled by the state.. They are not allowed to come to many: neither scientists, nor journalists, nor tourists. Thanks to this, the ancients succeeded in preserving their secret primitive rituals, some of which I experienced for myself - revealed some secrets of the new season.

Also, the extreme leader admitted that some rituals were on the verge of life and death..

"To be honest, these were situations from the" on the verge "category. Sometimes after these rituals it seemed to me that I would not survive. Rites, which Indians regularly use to communicate with spirits, seem to us a little death.. At this moment, you are completely transferred to another reality and do not understand what is going on physically and mentally with you, "said Dmitry. What kind of rituals Dmitry Komarov experienced, and what he didn’t manage to check, can be learned during the creative meetings with the TV presenter immediately after his return from the expedition. Meetings will be held in Kharkov, Dnieper, Kiev, Uzhgorod, Chernivtsi and Odessa.

Also, the presenter will acquaint Ukrainians with the star of the famous Brazilian TV series "Slave Izaura" Lucelia Santos, who will visit Eastern Europe for the first time.

Recall that the premiere of the new Brazilian season of the “Inside-out” extreme travel project will take place on “1 + 1” TV channel this fall..

Источник: ТСН.ua