Hungary is ready to break with Ukraine

24 September 2018, 11:54 | Policy 
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Ukraine "has gone too far". This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary Peter Siyarjato. In his view, the events of recent days indicate that Kiev violates "all the written and unwritten rules of international law and diplomacy". But Budapest does not intend to endure it. "If the Ukrainian side sends the consul of Hungary, it will not remain without a proportional response from the Hungarian side," the Foreign Minister quoted Origo as saying.. Earlier, the indignation of the Ukrainian side was caused by the fact that the authorities of the neighboring country encourage the receipt of Hungarian passports by Ukrainians and, allegedly, recommend not to publicize this fact.

On this basis, the SBU invaded the territory of the Hungarian consulate, which, as recalled in Budapest, is a member of NATO. "Dual citizenship is common in Europe, and if Ukraine really wants to move towards the EU, it can not resist it," said Siyarto.

For his part, he promised that he would do everything to prevent Ukraine from moving towards the EU and NATO. Hungarian Foreign Minister intends to inform his Ukrainian counterpart Pavel Klimkin personally when they meet in the framework of the UN General Assembly in New York. Earlier, Pavel Klimkin said that the separatist movement is spreading in Transcarpathia and Russia.
