Weight-loss by 22 kilograms Mariah Carey appeared in an ultra-short dress at a concert

23 September 2018, 19:24 | Show Business 
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Stars have one honorable mission - they should always look great, regardless of age, mood, weather, season. This is exactly what the American actress and singer Mariah Carey knows, who celebrated this spring's 48th birthday. A new figure in the passport motivated the star to change for the better. And how else to explain the fact that by the beginning of the autumn, she began to look slimmer and tighter.

The foreign press notes that the lost 22 kilograms made it significantly younger. In this, apparently, no doubt, and the singer herself, who noted in one of the interviews that so much to lose weight helped her to exercise and a special diet.

Now in the diet of Mariahy there are smoked salmon and capers, a lot of protein foods, vegetables, but there is absolutely no sugar. All chocolates, cakes, biscuits, cakes from now on the way to the stomach of the star is ordered. What she sometimes allows is fruit. The singer loves mango and blueberry.

One bad habit for a change she still left - red and white wine. A glass of this grape drink has got used to finish the heavy day.

The next occasion to put on a tight-fitting ultra-short dress at the star appeared last day.

Sexy attire from Bryan Hearns, supplemented with stockings in a fine mesh and sandals with high heels, Carey chose for her performance at the festival iHeartRadio, which these days takes place in Las Vegas.

Let's remind, earlier we wrote that Anita Lutsenko told about the changes in life: "I became different".

Publication from Crystal Lambie (@boobriahhh) 23 Sep 2018 at 12:09 PDT.

Источник: tv.ua