Gorbunov is silent, and Quinte helps in sex: the stars told about yoga

23 September 2018, 08:45 | gossip 
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Ukrainian showbiz stars Ruslan Kvinta with her beloved Nana and Yuri Gorbunov, who recently showed a family idyll with Catherine Osadchy, told how long ago and why they turned to yoga, says "The Secular Life".

As it turned out, Honored Artist and Young Pope Yuri Gorbunov began to practice yoga at the age of 45.

"You can not roznutsya, then start some joints hurt. When I do in the gym, I take iron, my muscles start to grow, then I can not undo the shirt and I realized that this is not mine. And I was recommended to yoga, "explained Gorbunov, why he began to practice oriental practice.

Yuri, who usually speaks in a colloquial genre, thanks to yoga enjoys what is silent.

"I'm at work chatting, but at home I can be silent. Just like here, I get pleasure from the fact that I'm silent. Sometimes at work, some jokes, jokes, and so silent - it's useful, "- said the presenter.

Thanks to a combination of two techniques of qigong and jiujitsu, the exhausting schedule of filming is now given to the young dad Gorbunov much easier.

It is also interesting that it was thanks to yoga that the music producer and composer Ruslan Kvinta got acquainted with his current elect, the seductive ex-participant of the group Nikita Nana.

"Our first acquaintance happened so that I was introduced to him as a person who is engaged in yoga. He began to tell somehow, very calmly. We just had dinner, I eat myself, and he tells me that after six he drinks only water, wakes up eating some dates and dried apricots, like a bird, "recalled the first acquaintance with the composer dancer.

However, the way to yoga, according to Ruslan, was not easy for him.

"I noticed that I did not fall asleep without whiskey. I realized that this should not be so. I received a signal. Yoga ", - noted Quinta.

It is also worth noting that lovers who are actively engaged in yoga said that the flexibility that they gained through practice helps them to diversify sex.

"Men are always very interesting to try, and in the twine you do it, some interesting postures, in which, in principle, it is not very convenient to do this. But flexibility always adds advantages in any business. Therefore, yoga, too, in this [sex] helps, "- said Nana.

Источник: ТСН.ua