In Zhytomyr region, 400 people take part in the exercises of the theropod

23 September 2018, 02:00 | Policy 
фото с

This is reported by the Defense Ministry website:.

On the bases of one part of the city, the dislocated in Zhytomyrshchyna, the days were sped up by the naval zobory with the operational reserve of the other worms.

Close 400 vіys'kovozobov'yanyh vprodovzh ten dnіv matimut zmogu ponovity vіys'kovі znannya ta practicalheskі naivichki zі spetsialnogo, vognevoї, іnzhenernoї, taktichnoї ta vіys'kovo-meditsinskogo pіdgotovki.

Z reserveovami takozh vidpratsyovuvatimutsya dії on ohotroni velikoliviks ob'ektiv that vedennju fight in uvovah mista.

Metody zborіv є pіdgotuvati especial warehouse before vikonannya zavdannya schodo teritorialnoy defensive Zhitomirska oblast.
