Justin Bieber refused the marriage contract with Baldwin - media

17 September 2018, 12:09 | gossip 
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No sooner had Justin Bieber's fans recover from the shocking news of his engagement to the model of Hayley Baldwin, as the media got a new decision of the singer, it says in "Snidanku 1 + 1".

So, Justin and the daughter of actor Stephen Baldwin will not enter into a marriage contract.

The guy thinks that such a step will be a manifestation of distrust towards his beloved. Therefore, they completely entrusted their status to each other. But in fact there is much to worry about!.

The singer earned 265 million dollars in his 24 years, and the top model in 21 has savings of three million dollars. As foreign media reported recently, Justin Bieber and Hayley Baldwin secretly married. The couple allegedly already legalized their relationship in one of the courts of New York. However, insiders intrigue that the real wedding is yet to come. The journalists of the TMZ portal are convinced that the couple will go to the altar in the 20th of September. And friends close to Bieber, admitted that the festive ceremony will take place on the territory of the artist's house in the Canadian city of Ontario. However, there will not be a loud celebration. Oaths in eternal love Justin and Haley will pronounce before the closest friends.

But on this news from the singer does not end. Bieber, a Canadian by passport, also plans to obtain American citizenship. So he will be even closer to his beloved. Recall, the pair began dating in 2015, but then their union lasted only a few months. Again a couple noticed together in May of this year. It seems that the feelings of lovers are so strong that they decided not to delay the engagement and the wedding for a long time.

Источник: ТСН.ua