PSG will not be able to count on Kurzawa before the end of the year

13 September 2018, 00:39 | Football 
Левен Кюрзава, Getty Images

The left-back of Paris Saint-Germain Leven Kurzawa will not be able to enter the field at least until the end of this year, according to Le Parisien.

The 26-year-old Frenchman has had problems with his back for several weeks. At the beginning of this week, he returned to training, but eventually a relapse occurred and he decided to lie under the knife.

Kursawa had surgery to remove a herniated disc and it will take several months for recovery. According to the forecasts of medical experts, Leven will return to training only at the beginning of 2019.

Recall that last summer PSG acquired the left defender Juan Bernat of Bavaria.

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