In Kharkov, "trappers" with 415 packages of "methadone"

02 September 2018, 01:48 | Incidents 
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Policemen found 415 packages with narcotic drug "methadone" from two Kharkovites. At the prices of the "black" market, the total value of the withdrawn amount to about 270,000 hryvnia, - the National Police in the Kharkov region.

Detained citizens 23 and 31-year in the course of the nationwide operation "Mac".

According to them, they received drugs from unknown people and sold it through the decomposition of "bookmarks". Currently, the police conduct the necessary investigative and investigative measures aimed at identifying other persons involved in this criminal activity, as well as the channel for the receipt of drugs.

The question of informing attackers about suspicion under article. 307 (illegal production, manufacture, acquisition, storage, transportation, transfer or sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and the election of preventive measures against them.
