"West Ham" with Yarmolenko suffered a third defeat in three starting matches of Premier League

26 August 2018, 06:42 | Sports 
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"West Ham", for which stands Andrei Yarmolenko, in the third round of the English Premier League lost in the London derby "Arsenal" with a score of 1: 3.

Note that the first to score is "the hammers". Marco Arnautovic, receiving a transfer from Philip Anderson, stretched the game shell a few meters and dealt an accurate blow to the near corner from an average distance. This goal happened on the 25th minute of the confrontation.

However, after five minutes, the "Gunners" managed to restore parity in the game - Nacho Montreal after lumbago from Hector Bellierin hit the goalkeeper with a second touch.

The second ball, "Arsenal" was able to score only twenty minutes before the end of regular time - Issa Diop scored in his own net after the transfer of Lakazetta to Obamaimeyanga.

At the 76th minute in the game appeared Andrew Yarmolenko, but he again failed to distinguish themselves by productive actions.

Dobyl "West Ham" Danny Welbeck - Arsenal striker already in extra time shot Lukasz Fabianski after a pass from all the same Belerin.

Thus, after defeating the team of Manuel Pellegrini, "Arsenal" got the first points in the championship. As for "West Ham", they "with zero" continue to remain in last place in the Premier League.

Источник: ТСН.ua