Yoga can help in the fight against diseases caused by lifestyle

26 August 2018, 01:41 | Sports 
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Diseases related to lifestyle have become a serious health problem. Minister of Health of India believes that yoga can help in this matter.

In his view, yoga can help change the way of life, and thus contribute to preventing diseases associated with lifestyle. The Minister noted that yoga develops the immune system and helps the body to fight diseases.

We control infectious diseases, but non-communicable lifestyle-induced diseases, such as increased tension, diabetes, cancer, strokes, are the biggest public health problems that society faces. Yoga can make a huge contribution to the fight against such diseases, says expert.

The Minister also said that yoga should not be considered only as a healthy physical activity. It has a deeper meaning. He described yoga as a combination of the work of the body, heart, feelings and soul. Yoga should not be an occupation of one single day, it must be introduced as a habit to a healthy and balanced way of life, the minister stressed..

medicinform. net.

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