Vulnerable Katy Perry was frightened of publicizing her testimony against the former producer

22 August 2018, 01:04 | gossip 
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Singer Catty Perry, about the rape of which recently announced Kesha, accusing the producer of Dr. Luke, gave evidence in a long legal case between them.

However, now she asks the judge not to consider her testimony to prevent what she said will become public.

This is reported by the publication ENews.

According to court documents, Perry's legal team claims that their client "has no right to participate in this matter".

"Because of her high status as an artist, lawyer and exemplary model, Katie is vulnerable to" gossip "aimed at exaggerating obscene issues having little to do with the case," her lawyer claimed in court documents.

"Given its tangential participation in this trial and its remoteness in fact, its confidentiality and interests in the field of confidentiality must be respected," added the lawyer.

However, at the moment the judge has not decided yet.

Recall, singer Kesha accused his producer, Dr. Luc in rape, but the case lost.

Источник: ТСН.ua