Ukrainian football teased Russians with the flag of the country

15 August 2018, 15:12 | Sports 
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Footballer of the Greek PAOK Evgeni Khacheridi on August 14 after the end of the game with the Moscow team demonstrated to the fans in the stands the flaps of the colors of the Ukrainian flag. Now the player faces a serious penalty, as the rules of FIFA and UEFA prohibit the use of political symbols on sports equipment, RIA FAN. In social networks condemned the trick of the Greek defender. "Yes it's ridiculous simply - demonstratively show your shields to someone. The complex of the younger brother, as it is, "wrote on Twitter one user. "You look sometimes in the news as a comedy, then no more. Well, this character - a fool just what is not matured. now we will all be powerless anger to see seeing his courage and hohliatskoe power))) "- agreed with him another. "My opinion is that everyone who writes and pays attention to the shields of Khacheridi is just a foolish and stupid people. Clowns ", - summed up the third. "Finally, Ukraine will rise from its knees!" Zhenya is a fine fellow! "- admired one more user, whether admiring, or ironically over Khacheridi. On Tuesday, August 14, "Spartak" at the capital's stadium "Opening-Arena" played a 0: 0 draw with the Greek club PAOK. This result knocked out the Moscow team from the struggle in the Champions League.
