Ukraine lost the Sea of ??Azov

15 August 2018, 13:37 | Policy 
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The Sea of ??Azov will remain under the control of Russia. Ukraine can only admit this, believes the president of the American non-governmental organization "The Jamestown Foundation" Glen Howard. In his opinion, Kiev needed to act immediately, as soon as he felt that the situation was getting out of his control. Now time is lost. "It's almost late," Howard told the Ukrainian program "Facts". He recalled that at Nezalezhnaya there are river artillery armored cars of the type "Gyurza". But they are in Odessa. "Put them on trailers and carry them overland to the Azov Sea," the military expert suggested.. "However, you do not have such trailers, and the government does not want to spend money on buying them," Howard dismissed his idea. At the same time, he is convinced that in the event of a military conflict at sea, Ukraine will lose to Russia. "As soon as Russian naval forces deploy their weapons on your shore, the Ukrainian army will not be able to defeat them with artillery," said Howard.

According to him, the only hope of Kiev is the help of Washington. "Talk to the United States, agree on a high-level meeting," he urged.. Otherwise, it's better not to go into the bottle - anyway Russia will be stronger. Earlier the command of the Ukrainian Navy recognized the senselessness of rivalry with the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation.
