The daughter of Michael Jackson underwent surgery without anesthesia

14 August 2018, 12:29 | Music 
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The daughter of Michael Jackson, 20-year-old Paris, urgently operated. According to the girl, she had a purulent purulent inflammation removed from her body. This writes Us Weekly.

The singer noted that in the absence of surgical intervention, an abscess could lead to her death.

Jackson also admitted that during the operation she refused anesthesia. According to her, the procedure was extremely painful.

"This was the most severe pain that I experienced in my life," she said..

The day after the operation, the girl was able to perform with her band The Soundflower at a charity event.

Earlier it was reported that Arnold Schwarzenegger had recently undergone heart surgery. Operation on the heart for the actor was the second in a row.

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Источник: Корреспондент.net