The Ministry of Health launched an e-mail-newsletter about a healthy lifestyle

13 August 2018, 00:53 | Health 
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Supporters of healthy lifestyles were encouraged to report in comments that they are interested in the Ministry of Health of Ukraine launched an e-mail newsletter about a healthy lifestyle. About this and. Minister Uliana Suprun wrote on her Facebook page.

"The best investment is an investment in health! When it comes to a healthy lifestyle - it does not need to invest a lot of money. But you need to invest more time and effort, in particular, regularly exercise, there is not a lot of sugar and salt, there are no bad habits (such as alcohol or smoking), find time for a full sleep, do not forget to drink water and be vaccinated. We will constantly help you to become healthier than the transformation of the health system. And we will remind you of a healthy way of life publications on our resources. And if you do not have time to flip the tape - subscribe to the newsletter of a healthy person from the Ministry of Health, "- wrote Suprun.

To do this, follow the link and leave the address of your email account.

Also the head of the Ministry of Health urged to inform in the comments what exactly interests the supporters of a healthy lifestyle.

comments. ua.

