Top 5 reasons to make an alginate face mask

11 August 2018, 09:32 | Health 
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Alginate mask - one of the most popular salon procedures. Customers like her for comfortable sensations and a quick, literally instant result. After removing the mask from the face, the skin looks rested, fresh, elastic and beautiful. And most importantly - the alginate mask can be repeated at home. Doing it just as easily as a coffee mask for the face.

What is an alginate face mask?.

About forty years ago, English biochemist Moore Stanford extracted iodine from brown algae by experiments, and, like many useful discoveries, he accidentally received a byproduct - alginate acid. By the way, for this product now all the women of the world are grateful to him.

Alginate, which the scientist received, quickly solidifies into a rubber-latex substance. As part of the mask complex of salts of alginic acid - sodium, calcium, potassium and ammonium. Because of this useful composition, Stanford first discovered medicine, and then cosmetology.

By the way, one more component that is a part of brown algae and alginate mask is hyaluronic acid. It helps the skin to produce and retain the natural moisture inside the skin, which helps to keep youth.

Why it is worth making an alginate mask.

The skin gets enough moisture, it becomes smooth and supple.

The face becomes young in appearance, wrinkles slightly smoothed out.

The mask brightens the acne scars and discolours the pigment spots.

The remedy helps to solve the problem with acne and rashes.

Removes dirt from the pores, pulling them together, and skin cells cleans from toxins.

How is the salon procedure?.

First, the beautician clears the face of make-up, makes light peeling of the facial skin and applies moisturizing concentrates and serums - the alginate mask provides better nestling of the substances into the deepest layers of the dermis.

Then the beautician applies protective sponges on the eyelids and lips, so that the alginate does not hit the mucous membranes. Then - dilute the alginate powder with water or a hydrolate and cover the skin with a thick layer of mask. The alginate mask should freeze for 20 minutes, after which the beautician carefully removes it. The mask resembles a cast of a face from melted marshmallow or jelly.

Completing the care procedure, the cosmetologist applies one more serum and a skin type cream.

Any remedies applied to the face before and after the mask of alginate, strengthen their effectiveness several times. The mask literally seals serums and concentrates inside the skin, allowing the active ingredients to act on deeper skin balls.

How to use an alginate face mask at home.

The scenario for using the mask is the same as for the salon procedure.

Professional peeling at home can be done with acid and enzyme peels - they are not as concentrated as cosmeceuticals, but with regular use they can easily replace salon care.

If there is no peeling, then you can clean the skin with a delicate scrub - this step is mandatory.

Then use your favorite serum.

In a clean bowl, mix the water (cold, room temperature) and alginate mask powder in the specified proportions, stir until smooth, and apply immediately to the face until the mask is frozen in a bowl. Since it is difficult to apply a mask on your eyes and lips, let these areas pass so that the alginate does not get on the mucous membranes.

Withstand 20 minutes, take off the mask and immediately apply serum repeatedly or any favorite cream.

Attention: on the packaging of each alginate mask there is a clear instruction, in what proportion to the water it needs to be planted. Adhere to these recommendations strictly according to plan.

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